Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blag - Holly Miller

Hey sorry it took so long to get on this. Mom and Amy told me that Randy had tagged me but I don't get on the computer much over the weekend until I get to work and I'm bord out of my mind. So anyway here is my answers to the blog tag. Enjoy! :)

The latest photo of myself I have handy...
(an amazing feet since I'm at work and don't have many handy)

10 years ago I was...
17 years old, in my final year of High School, no quite sure what to do with the rest of my life but ready for an adventure.

If I were suddenly a billionaire...
I would probably invest some of it some how so I could live off it for awhile. Then I would love to travel... everywhere

Things on my to do list today...
Get ready for and go to church, come home eat lunch then go to work, go to parents for dinner on my break, maybe play some x-box or Wii while I'm there, then come back to work for the 11 o'clock show. Go home, go to bed. Exciting isn't it?

Places I've lived...
Edmonton Ab, Rexburg ID, Orlando FL, (and hopfully somewhere else soon. Got any suggestions?)

The Best and worst job I've had...
The best - Roaring Fork @ Disney World
Worst - Roaring Fork @ Disney World (they didn't have very good management)

The best thing I did this year...
Go to Virginia for a visit and got a job in my field

My favorite purchase of the last year...
US Open tickets

Something that most people don't know about me...
I'm a dreamer. It sometimes gets me frusterated when reality doesn't live up to the day dream.

What I've been doing...
Last TV Show I watched - Simpsons
Last Book I've read (for fun) - Mary - Queen of Scotland and the Isles by Margaret george
Last Movie I watched - I'm in the middle of National Treasure DVD, full movie was Singles 2nd Ward
Last Music I listened to - Pictures(?) by Coldplay (co-workers computer)
Last Website I visited (for fun) -

Next, I tag JAMIE
(although I would like to hear from the non author members of the family too)

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