Monday, April 21, 2008


So... I'm sort of just sitting here, doing things I normally do while I sit in front of my computer. (listen to music, chat with a friend over the internet... etc.) And I felt like posting something, but I don't really know what to post-there's not much going on here. So... let's see:
For the end of the year, a couple of students are performing MacBeth (a very watered-down version) for the rest of the 8th graders, and I'm a part of that. I want to be MacDuff who gets to swordfight with MacBeth but we haven't been assigned parts. I did sort of get the hint that I was the most expressive of the people reading because they chose me to read in every scene and the teacher always smiled when I said something with particular "oomf".
We have to take a state test here in Washington, called the WASL (washington assessment of student learning) It messes with our schedules because we have to stay and take the test for 4 periods then go to our 5th period (yay that's Band for me!) We took it for three days last week and have to take it three days this week. When you're in 7th and 10th grade you have to pass the WASL to pass the grade, luckily I don't have to this year... even though the test is really easily,(well for me) it's just time consuming.
I've memorized pi to the 27th decimal... It sounds cooler when I list them off in front of you but... 3.141592653589793238462643383... isn't it awesome? : )
Okay, I told you not very much was going on here... Hey! I realized that here on the blog I haven't heard from or about Adriana or Addy or all the "little peoples" what have they been doing? I'd like to hear from them... Bye! ~J'Neil

1 comment:

Grandma Cottle said...

I really enjoyed reading yur blog and feel for you having to take all those tests. School would be fun if you didn't have to take tests. Keep up the good work and let us know more of the things you are doing.

Grandma Cottle