Sunday, April 27, 2008


So... for our wonderful production of Macbeth, we found out who gets what part:


That means I get to see that King Duncan is dead... I get to insult Macbeth (call him a coward)... I get to sword fight... and I get to win the sword fight. I'm very happy. My friend Elizabeth gets to be Macbeth for that scene (the only two guys in it didn't want to be Macbeth so we have two girls switch off) Elizabeth and I will have lots of fun choreographing the sword fight. Her twin sister Alexis is Lady Macbeth for the same half Elizabeth is Macbeth (we also have two girls switch off Lady Macbeth) I hope the audience doesn't get confused.

For those of you who don't know or get your works of Shakespeare mixed up; A very short summary: Macbeth is very trusted by the King of Scotland. When returning from war, Macbeth is greeted by three witches telling him he will become King. When Lady Macbeth find this out she makes sure that Macbeth kills the king. Consumed by guilt, having killed the king Macbeth, (now king) starts to become mad. (crazy) Lady Macbeth, also guilty, sleep walks, wringing her hands and talking in her sleep. Macbeth goes back to the witches and asks them "what now?" They give him warning of Macduff. In the end, Lady Macbeth dies; Macduff, confronts Macbeth and kills him. The crown goes to the rightful heir, the King's son.

All in all, it will be fun to put it on for the rest of the 8th grade at the end of the school year.


Kathy Miller said...

Oh boy, J'Neil, sounds like you got the most exciting part. MacBeth was always one of my favorite Shakespere plays. Hope you get rave reviews.

wurstens5 said...

Yea that will be fun. You will have to put some pictures up on the blog.