Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sam's Assignments

If you haven't yet had the opportunity, I'd reccomend you check out Sam's blog. He's been posting his assignments for his creative writing class, and reading them is a real treat. You can visit him here:


Samwise Cottle said...

Coming soon: A poem. Like, a real, serious poem, rough draft, revision and final. I feel pretty good about my draft...

Samwise Cottle said...

How do I make post?

Anyway - here's a little snippet of what's on my blog. Come check it out, yo.

Guiding Light

The trees sway in invisible wind
And the starlight casts no shadows.

The darkness moves -
And shapes -
And a black cat creeps warily from cover.

The coyote howls in mourning.
Shadowed shapes scatter
From patches of nothing in the dirt.

Muffled shouts
Where shore meets shine -
Water shies from the coast,

The beacon is off.
The sea of blackness above flickers
As waves reflect light from nowhere;
The sun’s reflection is missing.

Armed statues wait in the alley
arms forward and pointed,
all at one another like accusing fingers
pale starlight on their brows.

All hail – and stop
Stare and sweat as wild beads
scan painfully slow, waiting
watching your every lack of move;
brown bag fever glowing white.

The beacon is off
And who to guide us?
Where to steady our compass
In the shining sea of the night?
The beacon is off.