hello all,
So school is finished for the year - whoo hoo!! I only hvae ot write 3 exams over the course of the next 2 weeks (so these next two weeks will go by fast - with some leasure time)... With the end of the school year comes the party that the Edmonton YSA puts on every year. Here are a couple (cause I took too many, and of people you wouldn't know) of the pictures from last night. The theme was "Academy Awards". The picutre of the girl that you dont know - I just wanted you guys to see her skirt - she made it all by herself, all out of men's ties - amazing no?
Hey also some good news - now nothing is set in stone, I'm just trying to weigh my options (since I will be graduating soon) - so don't get too excited.... But there are some requiters in Edmonton at the end of April. They are looking for some Canadian teachers... I thought that would be interesting - since they say there could be a job position lined up.... But ya - so I emailed them and I have a preliminary screening interview with them on April 30th... You're probably now wondering where it's for --- well......... It's for teachers in the UK! Isn't that exciting?!?!?!?!!! But granted this is just an interview, and then afterwards they're going to decide if they have a position right for me (and to see if I'm interested in doing this), and if there is then they'll send the video interview to their UK headquarters and then that's when they'll decide if they want to hire me... Wow --- so nerve wrecking being so close to graduation... If nothing does come of this, then at least it'll prepare me for the interviews that will soon follow! :)
Nice "Marilyn Monroe" photo, there, Amy. Your outfit is cute.
If you have an opportunity to live in Europe, especially when you are single and free to do some traveling... You have to jump at that chance!
I'm jealous, you're out of school already?! I want to be out of school, but we're only in the third week of third quarter...
Hey Ames,
Did you win that Oscar yourself, like you won an award last year (for like most time hanging at the institute or something)? If so, for what?
I have almost decided (depending on what I find out at the interview) to take the job (if it's offered) - but I'm still not sure...
And Randy - no I did not win an award this year (I was not 'most popular' as holly put it, and I didn't hang out at the institute as much this year)... I saw the guy that won most eligible bachelor (I think it was) and asked him if I could borrow it for the picture.
Ok just because I'm like this but Amy... scool!?! (hee hee hee)
I'm sure you can just imagine what I would say. I can sure hear you telling me to shut up.
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