Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to work is BORING

Hi all
It was great to see those of you I saw in the summer. That was a great get-together; from the murder mystery to the amazing race to the fantastic food to just laying around the pool. For those of you who couldn't make it--you were sorely missed!

Craig and I (and Holly, mom and dad) just got back from New York last week and we had a fantastic time. What an amazing city. Somehow it makes the rest of the world seem small and insignificant--especially Edmonton! We had great fun doing all the typical toursit things such as statue of Liberty, Times Square, Empire State Bldg., Yankess game etc. We also saw the Broadway musical 'Wicked' which was, as the name suggests, pretty darn wicked. And of course, watching lots and lots of tennis. It was so much fun to sit through a rain delay (!?) and be at a night match that was still going strong at 2:00 a.m. and sit so close to the sidelines I could smell the player's sweat. It was great. I'm all ready planning a return trip as soon as my bank account recovers.

Which brings me back to reality. Returning to work--even starting the job I was so excited about in the spring--is BORING. I am currently wishing for never-ending funding to support that lazy player lifestyle. It was so much fun to just play for a whole month (and thank you to those of you who either hosted my playing or tended my offspring so I could play). It was so hard to get up early to go sit at a desk all day. It is so hard to really care about those students entrusted to me. I would love to play forever. There, I've said it--I don't want to work anymore; I just want to play.

Take care, all of you, and may your playdays be many.

ps. I would love to see some photos posted. I would post some, but I haven't got any!


wurstens5 said...

Sounds like lots of fun!! I want to go to NY some day. I LOVED the play wicked. I would love to see it again. For those of you who have not seen it, I highly recommend it. Sorry you have to go back to work. You should get one of the money tree's I have in my backyard.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Wicked is going to be touring next year, in Portland in March and in SLC in April... Although the book was pretty good, I thought it could have had a lot more to it, maybe a stage play is just what it needed...

What, being at work isn't loaded with fun and games every day? Put a little excitment into your life: make a few mistakes at work and watch the sparks fly! Sometimes you can generate excitement by NOT doing something... something big that really needs to be done... Be a goof off - you'll find lots of thrills headed your way.

Anonymous said...

Ok, how and where do I sign up for a MONTH off of work? I would LOVE to go to NY, and I would love to see the play Wicked… thanks for the info Dad. I know where I will be next April! I like the idea of just goofing off. I have actually been letting a little loose as well around here, like not having dinner ready right when Chris get’s home (watch out!) and not cleaning on my cleaning days (out of control)! I really need a life! :)

Anywho… yes I want to see more pictures as well, so please get on that!

wurstens5 said...

What!!!!!! Your not cleaning on your cleaning days??
Are you feeling ok.

Holly said...

Mom, I'm with you. Lets grab that money tree of Jamie's and play forever.

Jamie, if you have a money tree, you should come with us next time

Kathy Miller said...

Craig--you seem to be intimately familiar with all those ways to bring spice to you work life. Have you had lots of experience?!

Kristin said...

I enjoyed Wicken (the book) to a degree. The ending seemed to abrupt and unsatisfying. But there was nearly an entire chapter in the book that had no point, did not further the story, did not make any sense, and was frankly disturbing and unpleasant. My guess is they left it out of the play.

I really like "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" though.